Friday, February 08, 2008


Walking is getting easier I guess. So far it's not getting as difficult as it did after a day or two when things had settled for a while. Made me think back to writing about taking me dog down to Battersea Park when I was there as I logged in here .. guess people could be taking me for walks there when I'm back.

Well, not walks down as much as walks round there. I'm not expecting things to have improved that much. But, still, things are getting better as far as walking goes and that's for sure. And my auto immune illness is being kept at bay with the steroids and steroid sparing pills. My neck is amazing compared to what it used to be like .. well, just some slight marks there now rather than those blisters that I used to have.

Anyway, hope to be able to make it up to the common. Not too far.

Oh, and there'll be no more um ... pottering up ... the stairs in the tubes being sherpa to me mates as we climbed the longer stairway at Goodge Street etc. How I reminised thinking of being there pottering from tube to tube and a pottering down here and a pottering up there. Ofcourse seeing me puffing up and down the flights of stairs here reminds me of some of them on the longer twirly iron stairs in the tubes. If you're not used to them or very fit they can be "slightly" tiring to climb.

Me public transport journeys are going to have to be planned in advance until I'm a lot better I guess. There're main line stations around where I live too so it should be ok along with the buses.

I bought The Good Back Book from The Works too. Goes with the others I guess. Only 99p too. So many people seem to develop back pain during their lives. Mine is rather different .. but you never know.

As for the homeopathy remedy someone has given me a number to ring to ask about it because she said it was a very large combination of remedies and she as a classical homeopath didn't work with so many all together. It's worth a try.

I think I'm feeling a bit better anyway. I'm reading more again though I must admit I'm more on the bag than in me books a lot of the time. There's so much to read there that I have to limit me time but it sure has been interesting the last couple of weeks. Still I'm reading the books too. Iguess the ones I've bought a few of from The Works will always have a copy on my shelves. The others'll be given as gifts or lent out. I met the lady I gave the first one to a couple of days ago and we agreed it was nice to have a copy around. Neither of us have finished reading it but I read the most interesting bits for me early on. Well, I say the most interesting bits well they were for me .. because they were something that I wanted to know. I'd read another couple of his books a couple of weeks before .. they really started me reading more books again .. I think if I hadn't I'd've finished this one a bit faster. I've given one of those away too. These I'll keep a copy of though.

Taken me meds til the nighty night time pain relief and about to do dinner.