Saturday, January 26, 2008


Well, woke up at around seven and decided to take my bone sparing pill straight away though left the paracetamol til eight rather than taking it half an hour after the first pill. Better not to start it too early. I find starting at eight, then twelve, then sixish to sevenish, then ten to elevenish works best for that. Waking up at night means I can take some oramorph then which helps with the pain a bit but I make sure there's a few hours gap between taking my last dose of that and the bone sparing pill.

Well, all done now and my hair washed. It used to make me gasp for breath leaning over to wash my hair .. it was painful too. This morning there was a little bit of breathlessness because the muscles had been on the move again but nothing like it used to be when it was so compacted.

Been playing on this site this morning:

I was sent the address a couple of weeks back and it's an add on to the free clicking sites



Both which I've written about a few times on the blogs.