Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Woke up feeling really tired and with slight shaking in my shoulders and back. First thing to sort out is my medication. First pill down is my antisickness pill followed by the pain relief .. MST .. oramorph and paracetamol. Then, after waiting a while for that to kick in I get up, bringing my note book to mark off me pills into the living room and take the omeprazole to protect my stomach and the mycophenolate for the auto immune illness. Then I have something to eat and take the prednisolone again for the auto immune illness, an iron pill and my ibuprofen. It'd be better if I didn't have to take the ibuprofen really but they sure help to keep the pain down. But taking them with food helps, the same goes for the steroids .. the prednisolone.

I guess I'm still kind of ultra tired cause I've had a cold. Had the sickness bug a week and a bit ago too I think. Shut meself away for the two days recommended after having it which was better for me too. Difficult to tell if it was that as sneezing can set off a spasm anyway and I'll be sick but this felt different. Anyway I'm well over it now but I've had a couple of sleepless nights because of the bugs and all combined it's telling a bit.

Read an article about K.D Lang. We've a few things in common. I'm not a Buddhist though. She also believes that she's been here before I've no experience of anything that makes me think I might've had a past life here. Doesn't mean that I haven't just that nothing has happened to make me think that I might've! As I generally say I might be considered a sort of Buddhist because I'm kind of attracted to some of the philosophy that goes along with it. Just as I'm kind of with the last people I was interested in .. their belief in the continuation and growth of the soul is like mine now .. though I believe that for every living thing .. which is very like some Native American beliefs. Though these people do believe in the continuation of animal souls too I've noticed .. it's just that it's not written down in the original "rules." They also believe in personal responsibility which seems good to me.

My own personal experience, most of which has been shared, is what makes it real for me. People have said to me that someone is tapping me on the shoulder!!! Yeah, well. I had stored up things people had told me in the past too. I know mum had something happen when her mum died. I'll talk to my brother about it again cause she told him as well. I've read of and been told about quite a few things like this. Never used to think about it much though. People smile quite often at that!!!

Do a bit more sorting out I think .. or maybe head off and see if I can get some soya stuff I like. Walk part of the way there if I can. J ust sorting out me next lot of medication for the day. And I will meditate today rather than just listenuing to music. It's meant to be good if you're not getting enough sleep. One of the reasons that I bought the book that had something to do with the differences between meditation and sleep on the brain. It's in the Teach Yourself books series. Teach Yourself Happiness!!! Haven't started reading it yet .. been a bit too tired but will when I'm feeling a bit better. Can start by meditating and making sure I get enough rest and eat well.