Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Well, wasn't very well on Sunday so have decided to stay in for a couple of days. The hospital phoned me and then I phoned me doc to cancel the appointment he'd asked for to make it later in the week. Just a bug but I was quite ill so decided to stay here.

Have spent quite a lot of time on the Lumosity site doing my two weeks free trial .. I'll join when I get home. Think it's been good. I'll carry on doing other memory games and related things til then.

I've been doing a little bit of Qigong too. Well, this exercise that I found on Youtube because it seemed to work on the chest muscles though he's doing the exercises standing and I did them sitting.


Someone I was talking to here told me that her daughter had been asthma free while being on holiday in Spain and doing a lot of swimming but here had problems because of the chlorine in the baths.

She doesn't swim here because of the problem with the related effect from chlorine. I wondered if the improvement might be due to the exercise she was giving her lungs as I know of a couple of people who've told me that exercising appeared to have helped or stopped their asthma. I think I mentioned it on one of my blogs when the woman told me about Ravi Shankar and I was amazed because I immediately thought of the musician and didn't think that he had anything to do with teaching people breathing exercises. Then she told me that he was some sort of teacher .. she'd not heard of the musician so we both learnt something that day through talking. I never did get the booklet she mentioned but the exercises were breathing ones so it made sense. She told me because I was feeling ill and she wondered if they'd help me too. Someone else had told me that doing similar exercises had helped too .. if I remember rightly that was through tai chi.

Later on I wondered about the little girl on holiday and wondered if she was drinking the water from the taps in Spain because if she was she might be drinking the same as she would be here .. or she might not.


To know you'd have to phone the people concerned in Spain and find out what they were doing in that region I guess.

I'm now doing swimming exercises on dry land to see if it helps me. I haven't asthma but I need to exercise to help there. I have bone problems but there are muscle ones too. Things are changing though slowly. As I said I couldn't bend over to wash my hair without it being painful and causing me breathing problems .. it's improved a lot. I do two rinses instead of just one now!!!

Going to do a spot of sorting out now but will leave taking things down til tomorrow.