Tuesday, January 08, 2008


I try and keep me diary up to date now cause it's just an I'm up, fed and medicated diary .... just to let people know that I'm up, had me breakfast, pills taken correctly before and after eating and marked it all down properly. Started it a long time ago, lost it after not using it for a while and then found the password and web address in a notebook. Decided to use that instead of starting a new one when I was feeling very poorly.

According to a notice in Boots lots of people have problems with medication and I have so much to take. I think I'll start photocoping sheets to mark off when I feel a bit better. I write how many of each pill I have to take down now too. The oramorph in how much liquid. It's still a lot to keep track of though and very important for me to do so.

I might photocopy a lot of sheets .. I take a lot of pills though it's not much to write out every night really.