Saturday, February 02, 2008


Spent the rest of my "get well" pressie today. I'd bought Zuma and a science dvd earlier on and today I bought some more books from The Works .. Yoga Bliss, Meditation Bliss and a book about natural pain relief. I also bought yet another one of the two books that other people've been reading cause I'd always like to have a copy around for myself at the moment. I lent one out earlier on this week and thought it is nice to have them to lend. I'll soon be making the little booklets too that I said I'd do ages ago which'll be about my experiences for people. Anyway I love my new books.

I was wondering whether to go out tomorrow after meeting the lady earlier this week but really I think I'm not well enough yet. She said she'd tell everyone she'd met me and I said to say that I still have all the prints and paintings. Actually I might like a few more to take back to London with me .. £2 a print with all the money collected going to help. Can't be bad. I won some of mine in free raffles too!!

Actually I guess I don't mind me friends hugging me but I'm not someone that hugs outside of family generally. Tend to back pat a bit like Shaun. When me skin layers were busy separating a lot I didn't like being touched at all because I was afraid I'd pick up some kind of bacterial infection. I didn't and even in hospital I managed to stay lurgy free. My doc says I have a strong immune system which makes it difficult to treat the illness though it's much more under control now. I don't know how the illness'll pan out. It's rare .. though not as rare as someone I met in hospital's brother. He has one that only three people in this country are known to have!! She and I are staying in touch. His illness is related to mine though mine isn't as rare as that. Mine is rare too but not that rare.

I have to be careful not to boost my immune system too much. I was reading about melatonin yesterday and found that I shouldn't take it as it could make my immune system stronger which isn't a good idea with my illness as my immune system will then start attacking the substance between the layers of skin with even more vigour.

There are quite a few auto immune illnesses. I don't know which is the most common but rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis are well known ones. Apparently thyroid problems can be too.

I've just found out that there's a homeopathic remedy for my illness too. It's worth a try. It was hard enough getting it stabalized with conventional medicine but it's still worth a go. I'll have to ask first but I don't think homeopathic medicines are contra indicated in the same way as herbal medicines can be. But still must check before I add anything else to the long list of medicines I take.