Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Up fed and medicated and back to usual

Up .. fed and medicated. I am tired today though. Noticed I was very, very sleepy on the phone last night so let other people do most of the talking. I'm going out for a while just to be up and about a bit.

I'm usually very slow .. think I'll probably set a new record for myself today. That's not surprizing I guess as I've had a week where I've been very ill for quite a part of it and on bed rest for most of it.

Got to phone the doc, the woman I go shopping with and the district nurses to get everything moving again.

I think today can be a day of doing little though. Rest is important for a while. I haven't been sick today though which makes a change. I was yesterday and wondered if I'd have to stay in a while longer but it all settled down again and I was ok to leave. Hopefully I'll be a lot better soon. I'm eating more today .. nothing against the hospital food .. it's lovely .. especially the soup. Don't know quite what I'd've done withot the soup .. I survived mainly on that and yogurt. Had some porridge but soup and yogurt were easier to eat. I love the egg flans there too and the sponge puddings and custard. I always managed some pudding and custard but the soup and yogurts were easier for me. Nice food though .. pity I wasn't well enough to eat much of it.

It's not surprising I'm so tired .. haven't eaten much in a week, been very ill for a few days and didn't sleep much last night. Bit restless but then it usually takes me a while to settle down when I first leave.

I learnt this time that while I'm here it's best to keep a bag packed incase I have to go into hospital. I was too ill to sort things out before going in this time and I generally leave something important behind anyway in the rush to get things sorted out anyway. When I've left here it won't be a problem but even then it'll probably be a good idea to at least have a list of important bits and pieces and always keep the medication in one spot where it's easy to pick it up. Just a carrier bag with a few things I might need. There won't be the kerfuffle there was this time then.

I didn't expect to go back as an inpatient here again and hadn't bothered. Lesson learnt.