Saturday, March 07, 2009

Yesterday ...!!!!!!!!

I must say they're brilliant musicians .. Vince Gill too .. and I love the accents though they did throw me a bit on this song ... lol!!!! But, I've noticed on their songs how well their accents move around the music.

Whoops ... this song!!!!!

Have to say that Vince Gill's little aside near the end of the clip threw me a bit .. lol!!! I grinned though .. rather than feeling offended by it or thinking he was totally round the bend. Which I guess is a good way to be .. not to be scared.

Um ... Mr Gill????????????????

I still haven't got round to contacting my old friend yet .. but, will I think. It's been a long time .. over 40 years .. but, that's not got anything to do with it .. I can still see her back in those days in my mind's eye. She was a nice person.

I loved the bit at the end with Jeff Hannah and his wife .. they look like they get on well!!! I wonder if that's where the clip ended or if it went on to show her singing too .. if it did I can't find it on the net.