Thursday, April 02, 2009


Just giving the pain relief time to work .. and then I'll take my protein drink .. sometimes better than eating these days .. my doc has left me fortesips on my presciption just incase I want to go back to them though .. the same kind of thing cept one's soya based and one's milk based.

I got a couple of nice illustrated children's books from the League of Friends shop in the hospital to copy illustrations for when I do my own little book .. they're really nice. Just very little books .. cost me 50p for the two. I'll be able to copy my great hairy willowherbs and hodgehegs and bodgers from them.

I did start doing one for me brother while I was in hospital .. but was too ill to see it through .. but'll start again. I'll certainly put the butterfly one from the ADC book in it. I believe that one and like it .. think I put in the blogs somewhere.

Didn't believe the star shape on the duvet one.

Again, that's just my opinion.

And, having followed the MLK/JI one through to it's conclusion will include that too. Though have to say I was saddened and shocked. I know a number of people were. Was also shocked by a turn around in opinions by a friend of a friend of a friend of mine who isn't a friend of a friend etc anymore. All I could think was after all you've been through how on earth could you start treating other people like that.

Anyway .. pills taking effect .. protein mix down .. should I take an aspirin as well .. think I will .. it seems to make the pain relief noticeably stronger .. maybe it works in tandem with one of the other pills.