Thursday, April 02, 2009


Well, did some EFT tapping .. though just tapped round the points I remembered .. I could remember reading a report of an experiment where EFT worked regardless of ho you tapped .. but think I will learn the usual way of doing it. Apparently the points used do have a good cluster of nerve endings compared to surrounding areas. Whoever found all this out all these many, many years ago must've spent a long time researching them .. but according to the scientists who've researched EFT you don't actually need to use the meridian points to get good results. Think I put up links last time I wrote about this so they're here somewhere .. and in one trial they got better results reported from EFT than they did with conventional meds .. can't remember what that was for now. I see it as an addition to my conventional meds and certainly NOT as any kind of replacement.

See what happens anyway .. maybe this illness isn't the kind that can be helped with this kind of therapy but it's worth a try.

Will take my next lot of meds now.