Wednesday, August 05, 2009


It's the lysine that people are saying works for cold sores and canker sores etc. I did wonder if people were hoping that as it worked for some viral infections that it would for flus and colds too.

I'd come to it through reading an article on lysin and how scientists are hoping to have a spray on the market in three of four years which will stop middle ear infections developing as a result of flus and colds. Googling to read more about it gave lysine results .. lol!!!!! Unfortunately when I tried to follow up what I'd learnt from reading a couple of lysine results I got a lot of conspiracy theorists medical views which wasn't what I was after really. These results turned up cause a scientist had been reported as saying that he thought the swine flu virus had come from a laboratory rather than from nature .. and some people agreed with his theories. Seems there had been a slight miscalculation around the lysine in the viral particles.

Lysine is everywhere .. there's a lot in pulses but little in grains which is why vegans like to mix their grains and pulses to get complete protein. It works the other way round to with some amino acids being found more in grains than pulses. This brings back memories of reading A Diet For A Small Planet and trying to sort out my diet when I became a vegan.

Anyway I had to change my Googling a bit to find out what I was looking for.

It's amazing if it does work well for problems like herpes, cold sores and canker sores.