Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Well, I have my meds so that's ok. If it happens again I'll phone Roche up. Last time I phoned them when this happened the person I spoke to asked for my chemist's number and then phoned to arrange for Roche to send the meds I needed straight to the chemist missing out the supplier in the middle. Wasn't sure if it was this med but Googled it and found Roche saying to call them if this happened .. there was a problem at the time with supplies in lots of places for some reason or other .. and they'd sort it out .. and they did. The chemist didn't know that they offered this service. Guess it was Roche. Think I blogged about it at the time.

Have written a letter for my doc about the other problem and we'll see where we go from there.

Have been reading up a little about pain relief techniques. Not sure how they'll work with this type of pain but they're worth a try, Usually I think they use some kind of visualization techniques in Pain Clinics but I thought I'd start doing something like this.


Nice of the guy to put them up.