Thursday, April 15, 2010


It's been quite a sad day too for a number of reasons .. one ofcourse that I've had I've had to think about the time when mum was very ill and looking after her but there have been other reasons too .. one which means I'll give a fiver to support someone's charity run though.

Anyway pleased that I feel more confident about the side of things now as far as the other post goes .. but the idea of getting it all sorted out at once in some ways anyway is a great relief .. though has it's funny side too. But that part is really very important..

Anyway, time to get moving I guess.

But, that was the best!! Hopefully it won't be so difficult ... huh.

Guess as far as I go things aren't too good at the moment. Have started sorting one thing out today though I have to admit it's only because I had to phone about something else and realised I might be able to get a bit of advice about this too.