Friday, April 16, 2010


Did get over to Tesco today though still can't walk there and back. It was a spur of the moment thing and maybe I shouldn't've really done it but it was such a nice day again .. as people keep on telling me. Wanted to go out and I felt better for not having to rely on other people for everything. Though will still need a few odds and end I guess but I have the heavier things in. Haven't got the Fortisips. Have had a repeat prescription done but it was done by the duty doctor and they're not up on the computer so will have to phone my doc on Monday and sort that out.

Think it was good to go out in some ways anyhow though just to be on my feet for longer than I usually am now. I'm not laid up so my muscles are still ok but I'm not that active. Remember when a friend of mine not being able to walk for a while after being laid up in hospital for eight weeks because her muscles had become weak.