Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Tinker, tailor, whore, liar, thief!!!

Ofcourse I've attracted the weirdos again .. making up stories. It was started by the people in Leamington who were bullying me because of the blog. Obviously someone there knew someone here and made sure that the process started again here. Get these nuts .. I'm a thief. liar, get into lots of fights, whore, mad, not ill etc, etc.

Now, ofcourse they must be psychic .. knowing all these things.

Meet the racists .. of all colours .. a small minority aren't white .. uncle toms if you know what I mean .. sexists .. ableists .. ageists etc. They must think I'm very sprightly or something seeing as I have fractured ribs .. easily visible and walk with a stick and am in a lot of pain. They are obviously off their heads .. whoops sorry that's me, isn't it.

Anyway, there you go.

And writing this blog seems to provide them with something to talk about .. it's like putting a penny in a slot .. let's say their mouths and then getting a whole lot of dribble .. whoops confusing them with me this past week .. drivel back in return.

Now how do they know .. some of them just a few minutes after I've posted something at night .. when they must be out on the streets .. what I've just posted. Someone taking their computer out for a drive .. or is it at the pub. What a bunch of dweebs.

I know some of them are racists/sexists etc because of some of the other things that have been said.

Anyway, there you go.

What a load of tossers eh. And maybe someone sgould put them forward for a bravery medal .. wgoops, got that wrong .. cowards aren't they .. mega cowards infact .. you couldn't get any people much more cowardly than these people really when you consider the facts.

Or. maybe they just love me so much that they want everyone to think that I'm as big a liar as themselves and so just as wonderful as them.
