Sunday, November 27, 2005


In late Spring when I'm feeling better and it's less cold. Yesterday I really couldn't make my mind up if I wanted to go or not but today I decided that I will. Will be there for a couple of weeks. Bought myself a small marzipan bar in Sainsbury's to kind of affirm that I would be there. When I was little marzipan sweets used to be put under my bed to find Dec 6th morning on St Nicholas Day. Well, I decided not to leave this one to marinate in my slippers overnight or even by them and have just eaten it. I know it's a few days early but it's just sort of to say to myself that I really will be there in the late Spring.

When I was little and in the Netherlands we used to go out in the street in the small town I lived in and St Nicholas and his helpers would come and drive through in a sort of sledge throwing out wrapped sweets and small coins for the children to pick up as we followed his sledge on St Nicholas Day.