Thursday, December 22, 2005


Just what I'd written somewhere else.

Wish you luck here ...... I tackled the town's bullies in one of my blogs and it's quite amazing how things roll on. One thing I've found is that you discuss issues of real importance and some of them can't get past the personal.

I've deleted a lot of what I wrote because I'd made my point and there has been note taken of what I'd written it seems in certain areas.

I'd read about a boy who had been bullied physically and mentally for years at one of the local schools without anyone doing anything about it professionally and I'd seen it on the streets. And then they decided to turn on me because I'd come up here to look after a dying relative while recovering from injuries and illness of my own. Dressed differently and was open about being in a relationship with another woman.

I hope that I've given the people here who don't like bullying help to find a focus to do something about it. I hear that the local schools are now joining together to try and tackle the problem for the children.

I've deleted most of what I wrote in my blog now. I'm leaving in a few weeks because my relative has died and it's time for me to go.

Hope I've made a difference.