Thursday, December 22, 2005

Post cold bleuurgh

I think I'm in that stage of post cold bleuurgh. I feel tired and am puffy but I think the cold's gone. Spoke to a couple of people yesterday who said they've still got it who became ill around the same time I did, so even though these things are still knocking me out pretty badly it seems that I'm clearing them ok really.

I wish I'd been more careful when I came down with that other bug. I knew I had that weakness and there had been signs that there was going to be trouble there eventually for a few months before I became very ill. A couple of colds had caused trouble there before and I'd just ignored it because it wasn't bad and I'd got over the problem but in reality they were just sensitizing the weakness even more and it was really just a matter of time before enough damage had been caused to make me really ill. I wasn't even that ill in other ways. Most people I knew had bad coughs and/or chest infections with the virus that got into my spine. I didn't even have a sign of that but I had a spine that was vulnerable and still had damaged tissues from the colds that had caused a bit of discomfort there in the last few months. And I have a weakness there anyway from a meningital type illness that left some damage behind.

Plus the fact that I was slowly but surely messing up my immune system with my diet.

I've come out of it very well. The things that other people have told me have made me realise how lucky I've been. Not over it yet though but getting there.