Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Was back at the hospital as a day patient today. I said that my eyes'd seemed a lot better since the increase in medication. They said there seemed to be other improvements too. I'm feeling tired today and I'm still rather snuffly but that's down to me cold I guess. We'll just have to see how it goes.

I'll start wearing my sunblock now too that I'm out of hospital. There were posters from the people at B.A.D (British Association of Dermatologists) on the walls in the Dermatology section.


so I guess there's probably quite a bit of information on their website or links to other useful sites. Ah, yes, if you click on the skin cancer .. advice and info logo there're leaflets to download. At the hospital they'd done a little wall display to go with Sun Awareness Week last month.

Anyway, I'm going to have to be careful.

Bought a bottle of diet coke today. I have to be careful with that too it seems. What's your favourite drink? Diet Coke. Apparently fizzy drinks can interfere with the absorbtion of calcium so I mustn't drink any fizzy drinks when I chew me calci chews or eat things with calcium in them because they will inhibit calcium absorbtion.