Friday, August 17, 2007


Not such a good day really but I'll be starting on the new MST dose tomorrow morning and that seems like a good idea. Should've done this morning but I didn't take it in with me last night so it's tomorrow now. It'll take a couple of days for the change to really show though there will be some straight away. I still have the oramorph etc to help as well.

Haven't done much today except rest as people've suggested. Well, the tiredness and pain've been getting to me a bit today.

Me breathing? Well, my lungs are working out that they've got more work to do now.

On one of me boards a whole family are learning Mandarin so I might get my tin of Mandarin out to have a look at again when I'm feeling a bit better. If I remember rightly it's words and phrases.

There seems to be quite an emphasis on learning Japanese and Chinese but I guess that just depends on the part of the world you're in.

Taken the mauve pills so I'm waiting the hour before food. Not sure what to have for dinner but it'll probably involve tinned tomatoes and veggie sausages and bread and Marmite. Still haven't much of an appetite at the moment really.