Friday, February 15, 2008

A day in

Stayed in .. on line most of the time .. on the forums as well as playing some of the games. Suppose I should chat more on the forums than I do at the moment. I just feel so tired though and as some of the things talked about are really important to the people involved a very bleary me isn't going to be of much use.

I was going out but I sneezed and as I wasn't feeling very well because of this cold I decided to stay in. Chat away on the phone a bit. Not much about myself and more chat from the other people than me. It's been better to stay in. See how it goes tomorrow.

There's so much to read on some of the boards. It's nice having a variety. I often pop into the Bag's Relationship's forum early on and then potter around others for a while in the day. I was talking about medieval influenced towns with someone today and then realised that one of the posters who's on one forum quite often hasn't been around for a while. She used to be interested in dressing up and jousting, though she didn't talk about it much, so I had my memory jogged when talking earlier and realised that she's not been around for a while. Well, nor had I much .. suppose I should more really. I haven't been posting much lately .. a bit on the boards and on this blog. That's it really. A couple of posts on t'other blog about my health and going back to London and a few replies on other people's blogs. Well, that's all it's been for months .. and at times even less.

It's not just tiredness that keeps me away .. though, today, because I've a cold I've been dozing in and out of sleep as bit. Guess playing mahjongg has kept me busy. I enjoy playing regardless of whether I remove all the tiles or not so it doesn't matter how sleepy I am.

Anyway .. guess I better go and do dinner.