Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Maybe out for a while

Right, just take my rubbish down and then go out. Not sure what walking'll be like today as there's been a bit of new movement again that's rather noticeable after doing a little bit of exercising.

I don't know if something else is happening too. It's strange .. your body can feel numb to a lot of sensation while there being a lot of pain too. I think I wrote about this sometime ago. It's because of there being two different nerve pathways or somethibg. Can't quite remember .. but I think it's all written about here somewhere. I think it's something that people with MS often experience. I'd written about it because it was something I shared with someone in hospital on one of my previous visits to hospital. And with someone on my last visit but I already knew about the condition by then.

I think, with me, that it's my muscles moving more whereas previously they'd been so rigid. It's not down to the pain relief as I'm still taking that. Talk about achy. I'd hate to think what it would be like without all this pain relief. I've been a little bit sweaty today too at times.

I can feel my lungs working more too. Actually, yesterday I could feel movement at the top of my head where the muscles were starting to move again. Hopefully that might mean that there'll be more chance of healing too cause if could mean that the blood flow'll be better and therefore any nutrients etc will be carried around the body better than before.

Anyway, I'll see what I can do. Take me bit of rubbish doon and then I'll see if I'm up to walking. Someone told me that there're some nice new seats down the end of town. More the better I guess .. though you don't really realise til you need them yourself. The sun's out at the moment .. bit different from when I got up this morning to see the cars frosted with white.