Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Woke up to a rather different day today. Wet and a bit colder, Still, looking at the long range weather forecast it's going to warm up again soon enough.

Played my best game of one of the words games on one of the sites I go to last night. Was ok this morning too. But .. on the mahjongg game .. I really fine the pisces version difficult. I got what must've been my highest score for level one and then knew that I'd be having problems cause level two was pisces. I think it's because I find the different layers of tiles harder to see on that layout than the others.

I think I might still be a little sniffly. Well, I thought so when I woke up this morning but it's hard to tell with me. Obviously the mornings aren't too good .. though not anywhere near as bad as they used to be. Used to take me ages to tend to all the various problems the illness had caused over night. I was like the young girl here with the illness similar to mine who took three hours or so to get ready in the morning.

I'll have to go back and find out about that again .. ah, yeah .. it's April 10th 2007 in the Dancing in The Dark blog


"Back again"

Guess that was yet another late night.

Trouble is now if I go to bed earlier it throws the ibuprofen and paracetamol out a bit for the day .. maybe I'll just sit around without taking them for an hour or so. I'll take the MST and Oramorph earlier. So, then, I'll have an extra pill taking time. It's just all so complicated. I take 42 pills a day plus the one I take once a week .. plus the mouthwashes .. steroid and antiseptic .. plus the Oramorph.

Not forgetting the Fortisip!!!!!!!!

Never mind I'm sure I can sort it out. If I want to keep the pill taking as it is now I'll say midnight's the latest to turn in. I like to start taking the daily pills at around eight. I can take some oramorph at night if the pain wakes me up. And I have the MST kinda working there in the background but that's worn off by 6 to 8 in the morning depending when I took it the evening before as it gives twelve hour slow pain release and I usually take it with the third batch of daily pills with the second lot of Cellcept etc.

I'll sort it out I guess!!!!! But I don't really want it to become anymore complicated than it is now.