Saturday, July 26, 2008


Just waiting for my washing to do .. had to go out and get some washing liquid so couldn't do it first thing. Chatted bit round town .. can't wait to hear what the surprize was on Monday ... I'll be the only one still to be excited then I guess .. cause it'll be over by then and everyone else will know!!!!lol!!! Was pleased to see someone else back .. had known through my brother just how ill she's been .. she seems to have lost nearly half her body weight in a few weeks and I could've mistaken for her daughter .. talk about peas in a pod ... anyway I hope she really is a lot better now. Told someone else just how ill she'd been .. really hope she's well on the mend now.

Went and got some more bags .. the ones with zips .. cause there weren't that many left and I might need the extra ones.

Read quite a bit of my new book on coincidences while out drinking my hot chocolate and green tea .. it's an interesting book. I did worry that it might be full of stories like .. "I met someone who I went to school with forty years ago while on holiday in Australia" .. things like that and all one offs and with no connecting chat to surround the subject. I don't think it's much of a coincidence that the book and the ones on OBEs were in the Oxfam bookshop when I went back to have a look .. for all I know they might've been given by someone who read this blog and hopes that I'll have found them .. by the way .. if they were .. thankyou .. I hope the few experiences I've mentioned in my blogs over the years and on Empower when that was up and running like it was have helped you. If it was purely chance .. thankyou too .. I'm really pleased to have them.

I'm convinced now I guess .. but by the mixture of my own experiences and other peoples .. it's always more real if they're your own I guess .. and you know for sure they happened and how. Someone elses are always someone else's I guess. Even though I know that people have told me the truth their experiences are still theirs. The book is good though. Thanks again whoever gave it.

I have another similar to read from Oxfam too .. though more general than that and a book on natural pain relief from The Works which I really should read.