Friday, August 08, 2008


Bit on the tender side today but have taken all me meds and some honey and hope me tum settles. It's the sneezing again .. three last night though I wasn't terribly sick .. but I'm not that great today.

Yesterday was quite a good day though apart from the end of it!!! But that, though unpleasant, was down to the sneezing as usual .. got me into hopital for a week at a time the last three times it's happened.

Had quite a good nights sleep though .. usually have morphine pumped straight into me veins when this happens because the pain is so bad ... so fingers crossed that it will just settle down a bit now. I can feel things aren't quite right but obviously haven't got anywhere near that bad. I space my morphine out .. well, the oramorph anyway .. obviously I always take the full dose of MST everyday ... as and when I need it and have a bit to spare so if it just gets a bit worse I'll use that. I can feel that it's the same kind of thing that has happened before but nowhere near as bad

I've taken some manuka honey as an antibiotic and for whatever other properties it might have .. I was with someone who had a bad chest infection the other day so hopefully the honey might stop something like that developing as it cleared something like that up pretty quickly once before. We'll see. If it gets worse and I need to go into hospital then I do .. but at the moment I don't feel too bad at all.

It's just sneezing often seems to set off spasms which in turn because I'm a bit on the fragile side can cause internal problems.

Not every sneeze lands me back in hospital though but I've no idea why some do and some don't. All my sneezes are on the tiny side because of the constriction in my chest .. I can only sneeze very gently and quietly .. you wouldn't think that any of them could cause so many problems.

Actually starting to feel a bit better .. I suppose things didn't get too bad last night because I didn't swell up too much or the spasms didn't cause much internal damage .. no rips or anything like that. I could feel this morning that there was a little bit of puffiness but I'm feeling quite a bit better now.

I meditated last night and this morning and had a pretty peaceful night all things considered. Considering what happened last night I guess I'm in quite an amazing condition at the moment. I wasn't dreadfully sick but I was having spasms with each sneeze .. lost some of my green tea which was a bit of a pain in itlf as I'd just been reading about the benefits of that and hot chocolate in New Scientist's article on hormesis .. another name easy to remember .. like epigenetics (with the little piggies) .. if you just think of homeopathy and remember that hormesis has the same 4 letters as homeopathy to start off with but with an R in the middle and then just add sis .. and remember that like homeopathy hormesis is about using a little rather than a lot of a substance.