Sunday, August 03, 2008


Up, fed and medicated and meditated. Feeling a bit better than I did yesterday. Listening to my Tibetan chant again. It's not brought about an out of the body experience but is nice to listen to. They've added some pretty spacey music to it. My hearing's not as good as it was but I can still hear this. But before my illness really came out, if I remember properly, my hearing could be worse and I could hardly hear at all sometimes. Think I used to say that I couldn't hear the music very well when I had a cold and had problems on the phone .. though more with one ear than the other.

Will do a bit more sorting out today .. haven't felt like doing any for a while.

One of my new friends is going to have quite a bit to tell me about things of an esoteric nature I think. Researched her on the net and came up with quite a few surprises. I'm a bit tired of talking about it at the moment and just want to settle down with my books. Still, she appears to have had childhood experiences or an experience. I say appears to have because I don't know if it is fiction or not but I suspect not. It was great .. I got to hear a bit of a cassette recording of her work and it covered this. But ... I don't know if it's fiction or not .. don't think so cause no-one else mentioned in that series, which covers a host of topics, is writing fiction so it would be a bit strange if she was. What she's talking about fits in with what someone told me in hospital. i guess it might be some time before I bring it up though.

I'm still tired .. manage about seven hours sleep plus half an hours meditation. Think I'm like my brother though and could do with eight. Especially at the moment.