Sunday, July 27, 2008


It's nice to be getting up earlier too!!! Though I sure would like to sleep a bit longer .. but meditating is meant to help if you don't sleep well .. it's not the same as sleep but it's been said that two hours meditation can give you rest equalling about an hour's sleep. That may be so but I'd till prefer the sleep .. going through it's natural cycles than meditating to make up for the lack of sleep and then adding on a half hour of meditation .. it's not the same as sleeping .. if it was there wouldn't be the beneficial things happening in the brain as far a coping with stress and things like that go cause you'd get them just from sleeping. On the other hand I'm pleased that I can get more rest from meditating .. and, ofcourse, that it's working on my brain at the same time. It sure won't have lasted from the last time I meditated .. it's like everything .. if you don'y use it you lose it!!! The little pathways you've built up from whatever you do go away if you don't exercise them by doing the same thing. I think it takes about a month to build a neural pathway. I'm on my way.

Scientists meditate on happiness

This looks interesting though I've not listened to anything from here cause I'm just happy with my mantra.

I'll listen one day I guess cause I am curious.

This next story is good for two reasons .. reading the comments as well .. in that it shows the benefits of meditation but also shows that you should always ask your doctor before starting taking herbal supplements, epecially if you're taking other medication and at least doing a bit of research if you're not. The link to the Psychiatric Time lays out what have been the problems and for the most part it seems the problems are down to a contaminated batch or mixing the herb with alcohol and medication .. I think I'd prefer to go the meditational path all the same. Hopefully I'll do about twenty minute meditating a day .. that sounds about right really and use the mantra meditate: med .. i .. tate to consentrate my mind so that it doesn't wander off so much.

Meditation doesn't work for absolutely everyone and if you take medication for an illness you shouldn't just stop taking it because you are meditating. The doctor is the one to ask here again.

Right, I'll take a bit more oramorph and get ready for the day. Excuse me if letters are missing from me post .. my keyboard has problems .. I try to catch them all but I'm gonna miss some now and then.