Thursday, September 04, 2008


This morning wasn't too good .. biggest sneeze since I've been ill like this I guess. Left me feeling rather queazy on top of the tiredness but still didn't have to go into hospital. Wasn't a massive one but it showed that I had more room to sneeze now. Went out just before five feeling reasonable though could feel that my tum wasn't in the best of shape .. probably a bit swollen still from this morning's sneeze. I'd spent most of the day just sitting hoping that it would sort itself out. And it did to a certain extent.

Pottered off out .. met the woman I gave the first of my Work's books to .. tapped me on the shoulder just as I'd gone into Tescos. She invited me for a cup of coffee at McDonald's so off we went. Wasn't 100% sure if I should be doing more than picking up a few odds and ends and then going back to the flat but decided to stay for a chat.

I'd seen her the Wednesday before as I was going back to the flat but decided to leave it as she hadn't seen me and I needed to go in, take me meds, have a bit of a rest and then set off to the Wednesday meeting. Later on I thought I should've asked if she'd have wanted to come with me .. Dave was there and she'd've really enjoyed his singing.

I was pleased to see her this afternoon though not sure how I'd stand up to being out for long. She decided to have something to eat there .. I'd been thinking of giving her one of Dave's prints so this gave me the chance to go back and get the few I have so she could choose one .. she was a bit worried about ne pottering around more than I had to but I said I'd be ok. Just as well I did go back really cause me tum played up a bit just before I got back so I sorted that out and took some pain relief and got me brolly.

It was a bit more difficult walking back .. think there was some new muscle movement going on too .. had thought that this morning too when I got up .. nothing to do with the sneeze .. just felt as if my breathing was noticeably different from the day before. Anyway, asked if she'd like to choose a couple of his prints. Chatted a bit more talking about life and something she wanted to talk about. Went to Tesco and then back here.

Bought a couple of bottles of heavyish cleaning stuff along with food .. probably not a good idea but I was glad that I'd taken me pain relief earlier .. and when me breathing started playing up I'd just stop and rest.

So it worked out fine.