Saturday, January 03, 2009


Woke up very tired again .. wondered if it was my iron levels going down again but I'm taking a vitamin pill so that should be ok. Think it might be due to the bugs going round here. I'll tell the do when I'm up at the hospital next and get some blood tests done I guess .. it's rather a long time since I've had any done and maybe something's come up.

Read for a couple of hours this morning before getting up .. same book .. at the moment it's more about the private lives of some of the artists and writers interested in religion and metaphysics but I expect this is leading up to something.

Spent a bit of time reading cat forums last night after someone I've met on the net has had problems with her kitty messing with her artificial plants .. I learnt that brand name at repellents don't usually work .. well, for these people .. though humans often don't like them .. the other alternatives seem to be lemon or vinegar or putting foil down. Guess it could be worth giving them a go .. though I guess the lemon and vinegar could stain the plants .. you'd have to test first. So much for that then maybe.

Have to say I've met a whole bunch of lovely people over the net recently .. the sort you'd like as friends if friendly friends is what you want.

I have one of the others back in my life though .. just busy confirming to me that I didn't make a mistake. I do not want to be her "friend" Been talking about this kind of thing on a forum .. it's different folks for .. different folks .. and her friendship is well into my idea of toxic territory. She's actually worked quite hard on this one .. lying etc .. .. you just have to work round her .. kind of. I'm not the only one .. well, it's like everyone really .. notice she's pretty vicious in a passive aggressive way round the place and by default being vicious to those who get taken in by her even if she doesn't turn on them too. I was treated like the long lost beloved best friend eva!!!! I knew the best way to get rid of her was to respond the same ... and Voila!!!! Poooooooooooff!! As if by magick!!!! She has backed off rather. lol!!! I did make sure that I didn't respond to the kizzy, kizzy ... lurve oo's (reply could've been interpretted different ways etc) .. making sure that it couldn't be interpretted as anything more than very platonic but caring was the way to go!!! She's now thinking of me caring without her .. but doesn't realize that er ... I don't.

Anyway. time is flying so I better get moving.