Got to bed at a reasonable time last night though had a very restless night because of my cold .. woke up to the day much earlier than I'd've liked too. Then stayed in bed reading my book for a while .. the one about Victorian religious sects .. found it in one of the second hand bookshops in Warwick.
It's fascinating reading. I guess their beliefs kept them happy however strange they might seem to people who weren't members of the sects .. and as long as they were causing no harm, could believe what they what they wanted to. On reviewer has been quoted on the front of the book with the words "quite startling beauty" which had interested me .. what had the Victorians been doing???!!! Or, some of them anyway. You generally think of them as either drinking etc their lives away or being very, very straightlaced .. but, reading this book they come across, given the differences in our societies, very much like us.
I wonder what made the author interested in this .. I just had no idea that there were all these religious sects around at that time .. around 300 towards the end of the nineteenth century.
Anyway .. I better turn in. Had my soup .. sorted out my water bottles etc for the morning .. just got to take me oramorph and paracetamol.
Awwww!!!! I've just heard what attracted the author to the subject .. a piece of architecture built by one of her followers. I was hoping for something much more exotic but I guess, like the book, the building has the same mesmerizing qualities.
It's fascinating reading. I guess their beliefs kept them happy however strange they might seem to people who weren't members of the sects .. and as long as they were causing no harm, could believe what they what they wanted to. On reviewer has been quoted on the front of the book with the words "quite startling beauty" which had interested me .. what had the Victorians been doing???!!! Or, some of them anyway. You generally think of them as either drinking etc their lives away or being very, very straightlaced .. but, reading this book they come across, given the differences in our societies, very much like us.
I wonder what made the author interested in this .. I just had no idea that there were all these religious sects around at that time .. around 300 towards the end of the nineteenth century.
Anyway .. I better turn in. Had my soup .. sorted out my water bottles etc for the morning .. just got to take me oramorph and paracetamol.
Awwww!!!! I've just heard what attracted the author to the subject .. a piece of architecture built by one of her followers. I was hoping for something much more exotic but I guess, like the book, the building has the same mesmerizing qualities.
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