Thursday, April 02, 2009


Added a few words I'd edited out as I was changing sentences around before me rush to get over to Tesco in the entry about people believing you or not.

It's not a subject to arse around with or at least I don't think it is. I was pleased that Jade Goody had belief .. I don't know why and it wasn't my business but apparently she did .. though was heartbroken to leave her children and other loved ones.

I realize that you can't prove anything to anyone though .. at least not in the sort of experiences I've had. I've not been lucky enough to have an OBE which might've given me a different kind of experience to talk about .. burt really any random experience on this line can be faked or lied about .. though why bother is beyond me. 1 in 10 people have OBEs and with all the other kind of experiences there are they must be very common indeed so most everyone must know someone even if they haven't had them themselves .. it must be verging on the impossible not to.

Or this is what research tells us. As those that are really interested will know and those that read this blog should know as I've mentioned it often enough.

Others won't, I guess.

Maybe I'll start doing my book as soon as I've done my EFT notes.

And, really, people who don't want to know about it, shouldn't be reading this blog cause I've been talking to my friends en masse about it all for the last three years or so and I think have covered most of the important topics and given a few examples.

I was saying to a friend earlier that peoples years of being interested has been wonderful for me and given me more to go on. In my own circle of people there are a couple who wished they'd been more interested but it was just that they were a bit like I used to be .. and, just like me, have remembered just about everything they've EVER been told about the subject ... lol!!!

At least it means that they don't have to read the blogs again. But they do wish they'd taken a bit more interest .. and got a copy of some of The Works books at very low prices!!!!!! .. I will lend u mine ofcourse.

It just depends how you see things though. It would take a lot to convince me that there wasn't life after life now but lots of people really don't believe in it at all.

I don't know how spirit decides how to show you but one thing I've realised is that it's processed through your own morality/attitudes/beliefs. Like with JI .. he totally missed part of it out because of his way of looking at things which was a great shame in my opinion. I don't quite understand .. well. maybe virtually not at all really .. but I have the beginnings of some kind of theory. It somehow works through your attitudes/morality/beliefs what you will read into an experience and, even, maybe, if you pick up on it at all.

(If you believe in "stuff" like that ofcourse)

That's a bit too complicated to think about anymore tonight though maybe I'll dream about it and feel easier about thinking about it when I wake up. Bit like going into the theory of "everything" .. why is there anything at all .. and ... anywhere at all" Let the brain cry ... Aaaaarrrrggghhhh!!! I believe that's the usual reaction somewhere along the line!!!!

Anyway I'm off to add to me day's dozing now.