Thursday, June 25, 2009


My brother had a good time yesterday testing out his herbs and spices .. a whole packet of crystalized ginger had to be tested piece by piece .. luckily it was just a small packet .. one of his favourite foods and he hadn't had any for a long time .. and he started trying his teas .. well, he drank one of the white teas .. he's saving the liquorice ones for when the flu's about which is a good idea.

I've decided to time how long I brew my liquorice tea for .. as I usually leave the tea bag in while I'm drinking it .. left it in for 5 mins this morning .. recommended brewing time is 7 mins and I suppose, because I leave the teabag in, I brew it for about quarter of an hour, sometimes more. I'll start treating it as a medicine I think.

Here's a link about it anyway

I've badgered quite a few people about it now and I just think that you should treat it like any medicine and keep to the guidelines. Trouble is it's reckoned that well over a half of people in this country don't take their meds properly .. not quite sure what that means in fact ,, not on time .. too many .. too few ,, read it in Boots while waiting for my meds one day .. but I think this is easy to keep to once you decide to treat it as medicine .. once a day and brew for 7 mins. Which I certainly would if I had the flu .. just decided to try it out at 5 minutes to see what happens .. but I might go back to 7 mins tomorrow I think.

A badger travelled with the teas to me brothers .. adopted for 99p from one of the charity shops here .. just to supervise. Seemed she must've been out exploring when the ginger was openned.

He has a packet of lemon and ginger teabags too which he's going to share with a friend when he comes round today. His friend's quite worried by the flu from what I hear .. doesn't sound as if he's got much to worry about as far as the risk factor goes .. but still I suppose the news affects different people in different ways. Hopefully he'll be more reassured after he's been round my brother's.

I think just learn what you can and then do what you want to.

Me brother doesn't seem that interested in the garlic .. we talked about it and I said that it couldn't really do much just on it;s own .. that it's not in replace of a healthy diet and meds .. and sighed thinking of the guy who was popping garlic hoping it would allow him to eat a high cholesterol diet. I don't think that he'll be the only one by a long way given all the hype there is about it .. it's in addition to and there's a chance that it might improve things.

There have been studies that say it helps and studies that say it doesn't .. one of the problems is that in humans lifestyle is so closely woven into the results of any study like this .. exercise, diet possibly even mood and sleep patterns would in some respects and could in other affect the results. There have been studies on animals that suggest it does help in some ways .. some that it just helps for a short time or that there's a limited effect and, after that, it stops helping.

I don't know but I think I'll keep on chewing one whole clove a day .. or more .. if I cooked I'd probably make a nice garlic and potato salad or something.

I think it does most likely have some effects .. could help stop the arteries from clogging up like tumeric is known to stop plaques attaching themselves to the brain and could help clean what's already there .. anyway, that's what reading studies has made me think. Other studies are so variable .. they contradict each other so much .. that, maybe, it's best to leave them alone except to say if garlic has any effect on cholesterol levels, good or bad, it's slight and has a limit.

But it does seem to have the tumeric affect which does mean it is protecting the heart but coming from a different angle. The guy is right to pop his garlic capsule but smoking, sedentary and eating a diet like the one he enjoys and doesn't want to give up, he's going to be doing more harm than his garlic capsule can counteract but better than not taking it!!!!! Best just to stick to the recommended amounts again too .. because it's not good in excess even if it sounds a good idea to try and clean the arterial system up with it .. it could do more harm than good.