Saturday, September 26, 2009


I;ve been left in another quandry .. this tine I think it might be naivity on the person who did it .. but I'm having trouble connecting to people who used a quote from someone well known, who was a racist. about his studying and learning.

I didn't know .. different country .. knew of the person .. and went to Wikipedia to find out more and was left stunned. First of all I thought there must be a long time between the quotes .. two years!!!!!

But still he is famous for a lot of things and it could just be naivity on someone's behalf. No one knows everything and I'm not sure when all this became big news or who set the website up. It's very complicated as the person the page the quote is from has passed over.

It's all very strange and I'm left quite stunned not knowing quite how to take it. The person the quote is from didn't seem to benefit from all his learning.

I'll ask other people what they make of it. It's very strange and I wouldn't've known if it wasn't for Wikipedia .. well, that led to reading lots more on the web.

I son't know quite what to think .. I'll talk about it a lot and see what people think .. guess it's going to stun a lot of people though.

It's so odd. I mean this is something I do find weird.

Really doesn't make sense.

I would never've known if curiousity hadn't led me to Wiki .. but I'm from a different country which makes it a lot less likely that I would know.

I kinda keep on hoping that this is a mistake .. but I know it isn't.