Monday, October 05, 2009


I suppose I'll have to get round to asking people again .. won't I .. lol!!! I've .. um .. stagnated for a while I guess. I've pulled back again .. The Secret discouraged me ... not like The Light book .. I've forgotten the name of it now .. but in the same way that Sylvia Browne and her ectoplasm did.

Apart from talking there's plenty of work out there and really the best thing to do is to read what various doctors etc have said I guess and form opinions from that. And studies that involve lots of people.

People know people who have had experiences .. whether they believe or not is up to them, Eventually, mine will end up on peoples desks to become part of various studies which I think is the only way to go. There are some very interesting and interested people involved in this work it seems .. some doctors .. interested in things they've heard from their patients .. some from things they've experienced themselves among others. I've mentioned books that I think are interesting .. but others might relate to other books better. As I keep on saying .. lots of people have had experiences along this line .. one way and another .. people have talked about them .. it's out there. Mine are just more. And, as I have said .. there's no quick route to formatting a belief in this .. and you can add my experiences .. if you want .. plenty of others out there .. when people who study all this have had a good chance to look through them .. cross reference them .. do what they want to find out what they can in a stable setting.

Add to their pile of work.

It's a shame there's a sort of circus away from the serious side of all this .. but that's what's been created and you can't circumvent it .. it's good to take it to people who've heard about similar things and will just accept it as ... work!!!

And that's what it is.