Monday, February 15, 2010

Solar flares and the Northern Lights and sunspots

The climate change arguments roll out one after another.

Different factors of climate change

The latest did remind me of what the skeptics had got wrong, in the talk I'd written about before, but didn't go back to re-read. What they said was that there was no need to reduce carbon emissions etc because we're heading for a mini ice age and during that time we'll be grateful for the extra heat that's being provided because of them.

They're referring to a mini ice age shown in a change in universal conditions such as sunspot activity not one caused by changing sea currents that have changed direction through changes in the ecosystems brought on by climate change.

Strange, I thought, cause just a page or so ago you were saying that global warming wasn't caused by carbon emissions or anything else to do with human activity and now you're saying not to reduce carbon emissions because they'll keep the planet nice and cozy and snug in this mini ice age!!!

Yer can't have it both ways. Either carbon emissions are heating the planet up or not .. the chemicals don't suddenly think .. Oh wow.. mini ice age looming, let's thermalize and cozy the planet up.

Is an ice age looming mini or not?

Who knows?

There are, ofcourse, differing opinions. One of these differences is around how much sun spots affect the Earth's temperatures. Some people say that the difference in the temperature changes given off by the Sun at times of high sun spot activity and low sun spot activity isn't really great enough to have that big an effect on the planet. This guy thinks it does. .

And though it has slowed down there are signs that solar activity might be on the increase again

And sunspot activity

Cycle 24

presenting sunspots 1045, 1946 and 1047

Not forgetting

Sunspot 1048

We shall just have to wait and see what happens