Sunday, February 14, 2010


Found a nice list of things to read yesterday but my Google search didn't completely load or something and now I've no idea what I typed into Google to find it ... lol!!! Just one of those on the spur of the moment things and the page I clicked is such a varied list of links that it doesn;t really help either. Still, too tired to really read them at the moment so guess it doesn't matter.

A moments thought vanished into the ether. No, been back and re-checked ... not there. Don't know why I'm moaning really though as I don't feel like reading what it did turn up ... however interesting I find it. Will, get round to it eventually and I expect what I do read will give me enough ideas for umpteen google searches!!!

Haven't been out today .. too sleepy and I'm not sure about my muscles.

Just left something I was part of cause I was doing too much ... they've said to look in again soon and things will've changed ... but don't really think it was for me anyway.

Off to get a little to eat now.