Thursday, May 06, 2010

Election Day

Election day .. well, I've not been following the debates that closely this time but one thing did stand out .. one of my friends brought it up too .. concerning the not so wonderful in my opinion BNP and people connected to the far right.

Remember this is the party who were taken to court not so long ago to make the party's membership policy legal.

What has happened in similar circumstances before with far right parties .. this time in The Netherlands .. was that they had a public face where they complied to the laws of the land but when infiltrated by a journalist they were found to have a secret side of the party where the same old stuff was going on .. just wasn't made public.

Anyway .. the BNP's election pledge about building mosques reminded me of this

Lots of far right clap trap there.

A temple here .. and a mosque there .. and a far right party having to go to court to make membership open to all people of all colours.