Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Up late t6his morning.. slept in!!!! After what I'd said too .. and felt awful .. took about an hour and a half to get going which put taking my pills out rather too. Slept for about seven hours .. woke up around 10.30 .. but felt so out of it that I didn't really get going for a while.

Didn't phone the hospital .. but will tomorrow .. just didn't feel like it today .. which I suppose is a good reason for calling them immediately rather than the other way round .. but one day isn't going to make that much difference .. but .. first thing tomorrow morning. I'm very unlikely to sleep like that again .. think it was just because, overall, I haven't slept much at all.

Must ask for those cushions too. I have creams .. but prevention is the best way to deal with it .. rather than putting it better after it's happened. That's just where pressure wears my skin away.

Others are just the illness and will happen with or without pressure and can only get better through the illness going into remission.

Have drank enough today surprisingly enough .. but I did drink some fizzy pop in with that .. which I'm not sure is the best thing to do .. but better than nowt .. eh????!!!!???

Well, yes ... well, then .. there you go!!!

Maybe not the best .. but not as bad as not drinking at all. Did drink water and tea too.

Not easy though.

Anyway .. time to give some sort of supper a go.