Monday, December 05, 2005

And the other change

Is that I now believe that there's more to life than meets the eye. Have to admit that my first reaction still is to dismiss what people tell me and I still have to catch myself.

I did it automatically the other day and didn't even realise. Yet the person was saying much the same as I have in some ways. It was a couple of days before I even realised what I'd done. I just had to go back over my thoughts and see where they'd gone.

I couldn't've really asked a lot of questions though and that's me. I really like to. And you can't probe in situations like that.

A lot of people know about what I posted up here. And everyone I've talked to has accepted it. It's just fact that's what happened. It didn't worry anyone. A couple of people thanked me for telling them.

I am going to the Koestler Institute. I just want to discuss things with people who've heard it all many, many times before.