Sunday, December 04, 2005


The biggest change in me comes from seeing the carers at work in the nursing home day after day. It's not the first time I've seen people at work like this but I was in their company for long periods of time here. I was really impressed and just wished that I could do what they did. I've never been very good at hands on caring. Well, I learnt quite a bit by just watching them. Before I hadn't really noticed quite so much of what they did.

Also when I came up here I was still had physical reactions to some of the things I'd experienced. Not greatly so but there were things. Not that I thought about what had happened. I liked people to keep their distance rather though. I don't give a damn anymore. My friends want to hug me. Well,bring it on. And that's because of some of the people I've met here.

The other kind I don't give a f*ck about. I've been in quite a few difficult conditions in my life and I don't suffer from post traumatic stress and I don't have flash backs. Here, the people who were abusive don't even come on the radar screen. I don't give brain space to abusive people like that unless I need to go back for information. You know: personality disorders 101 (or similar). And that's the advice I give to other people too and lots of people have found it very helpful. Your mind is for your friends in or out of your family. I mean why would you want to give space to these people. They want to be like psychic vampires sucking away at your time. Give your thoughts and your time to your friends.

New Scientist I believe has an article on getting rid of unwanted memories. I'll read it and might summarize it here. I'm lucky I guess because I'm not particularly bothered by them. My mind seems to do that automatically unless I want to fish back for information.

Though I might add that I go through mourning but I'm pleased to do that. It's a natural thing to do and little in return for having known someone who meant a lot to me. The first time I went through mourning it was a shock,it was for a close friend of mine, but I said to myself then would I rather have not have known her than have to go through this. And that just sorted out how I felt about it all. And I'm still the same.