Saturday, December 03, 2005

Still ill though

I'm still so stiff, it affects everything, from my voice to walking and even sitting. I guess I know I'll get better, guess I know that it sure isn't going to be overnight now. But still, just take one day at a time huh.

This last cold hasn't been too bad. It's got my throat, my muscles are already stiff there and really affect my voice. My ears are a bit fuzzy again too, I decided to wash my hair this morning and that was just it as far as they were concerned. Not too bad though and has got better through the day. I'm just trying to be more careful than I was before. I must admit I hadn't really been looking after myself very well for some time.

I know I'm getting over this bug though because my feet are starting to tap again, body starting to move in time with the music again. That goes when fever hits and comes pulsating back as I start to feel better.

But there are a lot of colds round here at the moment. Let's hope this one was the last for a while.

Crosses toes.