Thursday, December 15, 2005

Playing the guitar

Well, I know that in some ways it's gone. I look at my wrist and I really can't see things getting much better. I just don't have the flexibility for some of the things I'd like to play and the strength and flexibility for others.

My voice is getting better again. It's stuck either quite low or it's a bit thin further up the scales but it's moving around. Because of the muscle stiffness it's not really going through the octaves easily. Have to fetch it sometimes as it zooms off somewhere and say come back you which is something that wasn't happening for quite a while.

It swoops and trembles from note to note in a word and from word to word along with Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris but it's still having problems running up and down those scales because my muscles are just too stiff right now. And it's quite a thin voice still.

And I'm able to shorten and lengthen syllables in the words more than I could.