Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's raining .....

Teeming down out there. Raining again. I woke up after another long sleep. I really slept in today to be greeted by the sound of it absolutely chucking it down out there. Not really a surprise though it's a "bit" heavier than usual. Occasional slight gust of wind too.

Well, up .. at last .. steroid sparings and pain relief taken care of!! Marked off etc. Sitting here waiting to go on to next stage .. steroids and food!!! Just a bit later than usual. I don't mind long sleeps at the moment, think that they're probably good for me. Though ofcourse I feel that I'm missing out on things I could be doing if I was awake. Never enough hours etc. And even less if you're fast asleep for half the day or more.

Spent about five minutes with my new machine, used it round my shoulders which seems the best place to release muscles at the moment. That and my right hand side below the armpit. It's not very comfortable but then neither is the TENS machine. But then medicine is medicine. Guess I have to expect this!!!!!