Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Walking round town

Quite pleased with myself!!! I walked down to the end of town and back again today. I had to rest a bit and getting back wasn't that easy because I'd bought some packs of daal and spices and the papers. But I made it.

I'm going to start making daal and bean curries though they're going to have to be mild for now. I've some tins of beans here that I've got from Sainsbury's on the Wednesday trips.

I'd decided to walk or rather I'd decided to try and see if I could walk. I've not walked that far very often recently .. but it was ok. When I got back my breathing was out of kilter for a short while but that wasn't surprizing considering the changes that are taking place at the moment. It was cold too and I don't know if that would affect my breathing. Someone said that it might do last time it got a bit nippy.

Things certainly do seem to be improving. I know my health isn't going to go back to how it was but there sure is an improvement.

I was going to get a taxi back when I realised that I was going to have problems but there weren't any at the taxi rank and there appeared to be a few people waiting. Guess the cold weather might have been keeping the taxis busy. When I got back I was pleased I'd walked.

People get worried that I'll do too much but I think I'm keeping within what I can do. I'm not on my feet too much. At the moment there's more sort of clicking sounds as things are moving again. They are audible. It all might sound pretty awful but they're good and mean that things are improving.