Friday, March 28, 2008


Well, up, fed and medicated again and done a bit of tidying up. Read a bit more of my book. ... but not much ... I'm tired so have had a bit of trouble concentrating.

Been on the net chatting a bit. Still talk quite a bit about Colin Fry and all. Talking about belief .. and how people have their own belief systems. Wot .. I've been saying all along .. and why I say go and find out for yourself!! If you don't believe in this type of thing and lots of people don't ... only finding out for yourself can change you not believing. Anybody could talk for ages and ages and it wouldn't change a thing.

But .. I decided to write about some of it anyway. The books are there for anyone that's interested to read and talk about. The library's there, the TV and radio are there. The woman I met to talk to the other day tells me there's a programme on Radio Warwickshire on Sunday mornings that deals with religion and spirituality for three hours. So .. there's lots to be going on with.

I'm going to start having a go at making me little booklets again soon. They'll all be much of a muchness. Start writing down what I can and then turn it into booklet form with illustrations and things. Might make copies but I'd like them to be personal really and slightly different.

The person I was talking to this morning thinks it'll be good. Pity I didn't keep a note of things through time but I didn't realise that I actually would forget some things. Well, you wouldn't would you. I didn't talk about it all or write it down so some things are lost unless they come back when me sleep patterns improve. Quite a few people are making this type of booklet now it seems ... covering all sorts of things that they think will interest their families. I keep on talking about this ... but am still only half way through my first one!!! I gave him one of the cut price books from The Works anyway and he knows about some of my experiences.