Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wow ... half past eleven.

I'm on a great place on the net .. well, it'll have it's ups and downs I guess but all in all it's great .. lots of friendly people .. and we get on together well .. talking through differences and just generally being ... well, friendly.

I, ofcourse ... generally manage to get the word "experiences" in pretty quickly chatting to people in the "have you had any" way .. and have been happy with the response.

Well, it's interesting. I tell'em mine .. or, a couple of them .. and the response is good.

Someone I met early on ... I think I blogged about this too .. said not to tell people anything .. just keep it to yourself. I did actually write quite a bit both in my blogs and on some boards. On one board people were discussing things like this from time to time before I arrived .. so I felt ok. But things varied a lot from that to the board which was meant to be about things like this but where they seened not to discuss it at all .. at least not in the part of the board that was on public view .. and the discussions for general reading made it appear that no-one had anything much to talk about anyway.

I think I mentioned that one person was having much the same experience that I did the first time around .. second time I'd heard that. But that was about it

I haven't watched any tv shows about things like this .. though lots of people have so I guess thet know more about it than me. Never seen the two guys whose books I'm reading except in magazines or on the covers of their books.

I've started reading one of Colin Fry's books and I see we've drawn some of the same conclusions.

I started to think this about NDE's after reading Dr Moores books all those years ago .. thanks Help 71!!! Reminds me of Jackie .. thinking back to those days and there .. gosh .. thinking of her brings some memories back doesn't it. Wonderful woman. I'm very glad now that I read the books back then .. they've always stayed in my mind.

I didn't believe in life continuing in those days butI thought the same things about the NDE that I do now.

I realise that I could die any time now really ... I mean that's been obvious right from the start of this illness .. I think it has a mortality rate of 2 in 10 people. I said some time ago what it is and I think it's that. It's been obvious physically that I'm not one of the people who have responded very well to treatment and my medication at the levels I've had to take it for a while is quite toxic .. but not as toxic as some of the next step treatment.

I don't know how I'd've responded if I'd not had the experiences I had before becoming so ill ... but they took the fear away. Not that I was ever that scared of dying for some reason or other anyway. But maybe looking after mum had made me a bit more vulnerable. I was glad she died so at peace .. the result of one of my experiences it seems!!!! I told the person in Warwick who was kind of partially responsible for this. She was just about to go into a very difficult stage of her illness .. you couldn't wish for them to suffer like that however much you wanted them to stay around ... it would've been appalling. Luckily mum's belief in this kind of thing facillitated what happened to put her mind at rest too.

Asking someone for proof that she is still around in spirit and getting it put my mind at rest. I was saying to someone yesterday evening ... I met someone who occasionally goes to service .. and told her that although I was told three things and all three things came true .. I have actually forgotten one now .. can remember the other two .. but one has pottered off. I was wondering if the person who told me can remember .. I found her phone number today .. was doing a little bit of sorting and thinking I hope I find it .. I had thrown some bits of paper and notebooks away .. but it was on the next bit of paper I picked up ... phew ... I don't want to lose it. Passed it on too just incase it does somehow get lost again.

I don't think you ever really get over people's deaths or it's hard for a lot of us. It's still not easy. I don't know how people generally approach their own ... people don't often talk about it. I was reading some guys article on the latter in one of the papers a few weeks ago and his response seemed to be much the same as mind if I took time out to think about it .. but it's not something that I really ever dwelt upon for very long .. ten minutes every few years. Just once when thinking through something.

I'm not scared at all now. I wish mum was here ... though not in the condition she was in .. no-one would wish that on any one .. well, not if they had an ounce of compassion.

Anyway .. I do agree with what I've read so far .. I said before that I thought spirituality was something to do with what you took with you when you left here or passed to another plane or whatever terminology you want to use and he said much the same thing .. that you are creating your own reality.

There's a lot of surmising going on ..and I don't really feel comfortable with that but we all seem top do it. Though my only real surmising is that our brains as they are here are not what we need for the next stage in our existance. I blogged about that too after the little experience I've referred to a couple of times recently here. Well, I was made to realise that my brain couldn't compute some things that were out there somewhere because.

My experiences are along the line of other peoples and there's plenty of information out there. But as I said best to talk it over and listen and tell people you know and trust. Then you can be sure.

Though I have to say all my experiences have been pleasant. Some funny even!!!!! Some I wish I'd listened to and didn't. Some I wish I'd thought about more deeply. All down to earth too. ... well, you know what I mean. There has been a certain amount of humour ... which is too cool!!!

And .. as a sort of hippy ... I'm pleased to say that luv seems to be the answer to the question.