Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I said yesterday evening that I wouldn't mind if I was able to have out the body experiences, do mediumship etc. People who can often seem to think that everyone can. They'll say things like it's not as precise as you expect .. and have agreed when I talk about the woman who said it's a bit like looking through a blanket with holes in it. Well, ok it might be like that for her .. for me .. it's more accurately described as looking through a blanket. But I wouldn't mind .. I've been through the wanting to and the not wanting to .. and now I feel I wouldn't mind.

I have never tried really I guess .. but even having said that it's obvious that I don't have natural abilities along those lines.

What happened that day .. and I separate it from the general run of experiences ..when I saw something that I didn't understand because there were colours there that I hadn't seen before .. other things my brain couldn't process either because I didn't have the ability .. totally unlike anything I'd seen before .. there was nothing to relate some of what I was seeing to .. though I recognised some of the colours etc.

I blogged about it at the time and I can remember saying how ill I felt afterwards ... absolutely wiped out .. for a couple of weeks after. It wasn't just for a day or so .. but went on for a while. Can't relate that to what I've read/people have told me about their OBEs At the time I felt just like I usually did .. there wasn't any kind of new feelings surrounding it. I can feel very relaxed but that has more to do with learning relaxation techniques that work than anything else. Must go back to doing those too. Go back and read up on what I've written .. maybe it'll encourage me!!! I've never been very good at keeping up with the relaxation exercices .. too much of an outdoorsy person I guess .. and liking being on the move. Guess you have to work at it .. just like everything. I can go into deep relaxation quite easily if I'm not in too much pain even so though. I suppose I should keep on practicing it might be the way through to a bit of pain relief. Maybe I've just been keeping what I learnt all those years ago going with just the little I do now .. perhaps once you've built the pathways it doesn't need quite so much exercise to keep going.

People who've had OBEs don't describe being exhausted as a result from what I've read or heard. I do have someone close to me who's had one ... he's not the type of person who feels very secure around that type of happening .. most people who have them seem to be quite happy with the experience .. as an experience goes it was ok .. just that he prefers to be in the same place at once if u know what I mean.

Felt like that myself for a while. I had been curious and bought meself a sort of how to book. Didn't get very far .. in any way!!!! Eventually decided after thinking about it that I didn't want to. Now, I'm quite ok with the concept.

Sleep is what I need now. There's been a bit of breakthrough pain waking me up rather too often lately. I told the community nurse about it today. It's tiring me out.