Monday, March 17, 2008

Back later than expected

Well, ok, so I didn't go out yesterday ... but met someone I know and got taken out this evening. Found it a bit hard to get back to the flat though .. it's just the change in breathing when the muscles and ribcage etc are on the move ... sometimes it's more painful than at other times .. this evening was a bit tricky .. possibly because I was carrying too much .. too much can be virtually nothing at times. Still, veggie chow mein sounds nice .. one for now and one for later ... might try cooking some myself.

It was good to have the chat ... we kind of reassure each other. I realise how lucky I am that the doc who saw me at the hospital's mum had my illness ... he was well aware of what to do when I got there ... and his wife dealt with the other part .. the bone and muscle side.

Someone asked me if my illness was like psoriasis .. and I suppose it is a bit, isn't it. I know a couple of people who have that here .. first heard about that through the playwright Dennis Potter ... think it's another auto immune disease which affects the skin .. unfortunately it can affect the joints too.

Other people think it's like cancer ... well there are similarities I guess. Though cancer's a re common illness. I'm surprised that here I've met two people with relatives who've had the illness. Very surprised that one is one of the doctors at the hospital.

I suppose me lip problems weren't much different from cleaning your teeth in the mornings. I just dealt with them. Once I'd done that things were ok I guess .. except I wanted all seven layers. Sigh. But it was quite easy to deal with. Though I guess people can remember when things were much worse around the neck. That was bad .. they were like that on my legs too .. though different in the way they presented themselves ... me little doc to be pals ... take note!!!

Sadly I think solar induced illness will probably become more common while climate change is being dealt with .. like lupus which apparently is appearing more in the Western world now .. we'll need people like you ... and for everyone ... slip, slop, slap eh!!! You really don't want to put yourself at risk of something like this. Think this particular illness will still be very rare .. but it's still an illness which can be caused by the sun. I don't know about psoriasis

I'm going to have to change my doctor now that I can get round a bit easier because I can't have the district nurses in to help me so much and I need someone closer. There are a lot of people who can't get out at all and need their help and my walking has become good enough for me to be able to get to one of the closer surgeries. They have been rushed off their feet recently and I've just become reasonably mobile admittedly with a bit of distress .. but I should get out every day ... and that can be part of the exercise.

As I said it wasn't easy getting back to the flat this evening ... the muscles round my ribcage had moved some and my lungs were having to adjust which they were doing with quite a bit of difficulty and pain. But it would've been the same whether I'd've stayed out or not.

Glad I met her anyway. Was hugged goodbye. Was lucky that I'd had another look through the magazines in Tescos on me way out or I'd've missed her.