Saturday, March 15, 2008


The illnesses plus medication make me tired. Seems that's the way for a lot of people though. There were a lot of people on morphine plus other pain killers in the bay I was in on Nicholas Ward this time and we all said much the same .. we're tired. Pain and illness can take it out of you too, Still the good thing about it is that we were able to talk, read and get on with things generally.

Last time I was in someone said that I gave them hope because I was ok on all the meds that I have to take. She'd been worrying about work and looking after her family. I'm not very good at keeping me papers under control .. bending and carrying isn't that easy ... but I'm getting there. Sigh!!! She was fine .. though I can understand why she was so worried. I had all kinds of preconceived ideas. Thought that the morphine might make me a little dreamy .. apart from relieving the pain all it does is make me feel tired. I'll be very glad if I can leave it behind one day.

Before all this I was about a two paracetamol a year person. Not even that some years .. and a couple more in others I guess. But generally I didn't like taking pills. Haven't drunk alcohol since I was in my twenties. Stopped smoking in my early twenties too.

We talked about this too because I'm having to process a lot of chemicals now and was hoping I had a reasonably healthy base to start off from.

Though u do read that having the occasional drink is good for you .. doesn't matter for me regardless 'cause ofcourse I'm not allowed to drink on the meds I take. Suppose I'd be asleep most of the time if I did.

Anyway .. up, fed and medicated for the morning.