Thursday, March 13, 2008

Up ... fed and medicated!!!!!!!!!!

A bit late again I guess ... sigh. Still, was up earlyish this morning after sleeping reasonably well. I have to get me own meds now at night rather than have a nurse bring them for me if I press a buzzer!!!!! I lie there thinking will I won't I ... but if I don't then the pain's worse later on but I don't really want to have to grapple with a bottle of oramorph quite so early in the morning.

I was pleased in hospital to see how clear minded some of the people who were taking morphine were. When I've been in before some people were saying that it was having strange effects on them .. this ofcourse could be because of the combination of medications they were taking. All I felt was tired and I can't really be sure what was causing that as I take so much medication .. feeling sleepy isn't a bad trade off for being able to control some of the pain I guess. My MST ewas increased a bit during this stay .. I now have two turquoise pills and one purple one twice a day. And the oramorph was prescribed as a small dose every hour if I needed it rather than a larger one every four hours. I'm working that out as I need it now I'm back. It's much harder getting around here than it is pottering down a corridor in the hospital occasionally.

But, even though it's difficult here I think things might have improved a little in one way .. I found that I wasn't quite as breathless as I had been walking the corridors last time I was in. I could rarely walk from Nicholas Ward down to the shop without stopping in at the chapel to rest because my breathing would get gaspy. I probably will give them one of me books .. as I said I can make my own little booklets for people I know as pressies when I get back. I've started one ... did that in the hospital last time I was in .. then me health took a turn for the worse .. don't know if my steroids might have been reduced then .. and I stopped.

I will start again though .. it's not as if it's going to take me very long.